Why am I blogging?

My daughter's smile is the lovely one you see above! I love to see people smile! Maybe that is why ...I like to capture smiles or snapshots of things that make others smile with my camera. I know we can't go through every minute of life with a smile but I hope that even when life is hard we can have a peace that others will notice and desire. My blog initially started as a way to honor my mom and her great outlook on life. She died in May 2010 from cancer. I don't think I can ever due justice to her life but I hope I can live my life in a way that would make her proud. The one other great privilege I have had is to be Carol Hensley Singletary's mother. She was our only child and she died suddenly on Feb .27, 2013. She was 19 years old. Her zest for life, her smile and her loving personna is missed by many, but none more than by her husband of just 6 months, Cooper. We carry on by grace and faith in God, and will look for any means to smile while we are left here on this earth for some reason by God. What I would give just to see the beautiful smile of my mom and daughter again! I know without a doubt I will someday, but until then I am going to try and praise my God and King in the life's good days and through life's pains. And i'm sharing here ...in hopes that you will smile with me. judy!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Sharing My Thoughts from 9-11-01 and Today

In just a few more days, the media will (hopefully) still have some honoring and tasteful coverage of the events of September 11, 2001.  Since this weekend will be the 15th anniversary of that event and my own calendar is getting pretty full, I thought I would share "why I think it is important for us to NEVER FORGET that day" a few days ahead of time.

You know, these days, being "patriotic" seems to have new meanings.  To me, it is feeling of pride in honoring people, ideas, and even a flag (which holds many more meanings) for which this USA is founded  and known as a great country!  It does mean "red, white, and blue" and "united" and many other things we all could add to this sentiment of "patriotic".

Before I think up whole new concept of what 9-11-01 means to me, maybe I will just let you read what I wrote about September the 11th, 15 years ago.   Zoom in to read, I didn't want to try and type again.

These were just a few things that I thought of that day when those claiming to be terrorists, really just cowards, thought they could bring us down.   It was a day of feelings you know you will never forget.   
In the ensuing days and weeks, these people who made up the United States of America found new reasons to make each life matter, each memory matter,  and even each death matter.  Today, as best as I could find the death toll from the hands of the enemy that day is two thousand, nine hundred seventy -six.   I wrote it out so that maybe it will seem as large as it is.   And the ripple effect to the numbers of family and friends who lost that day is innumerable.  And that my friends, is why we need to remember.  There are too many of us who cannot even fathom a wicked act such as 9-11 happening,  But it did and we must always be diligent in protecting  our nation against such again. 

For that reason, the flag to me will always mean "unity" ....something of which our country these days has in short supply.  We must be diligent in making sure others will know that terrorism is not going to stop our country.  From the rubble of the foundations of building and planes will rise the hearts of unity and a strong defense in order to let cowards know of our intent:  to be true to our HEARTS and HERITAGE,: to RESPECT those who defend us, to HONOR those who have given up much to keep this nation strong and free, and to have COMPASSION for those around us, to KEEP in HIGH REGARD the principals on which our country was founded  I know of no better way to show this than to show HONOR to our United States of American flag.  It is just a symbol, but a strong one that has represented our solidarity.

 A flag is just a symbol, but how you treat it, how you show RESPECT for it, shows me where your heart and mind is at.  Maybe you should google up just how many men and women have died in several wars and deployments around the world to make this country what it can be, what it is, and what it has been.  And if that doesn't strike a chord of gratitude, then I don't think anything will.  

As for me, when I see red, white and blue, or I intentionally put on those colors,  I  think of and wear them with pride for my country.  And there is a hope in my heart that God will continue to bless this land, this people, and these ideas that have made it great. And that is why I think it is important for us to always remember:  there are those who want what we have, what we hold as true. and they are our enemies.  I will forever know that Freedom is not Free and many have given me this honor of  living in the USA and the freedom to to ask my GOD to continue HIS mercy and grace to us as he has since our founding fathers stepped foot on this soil.
Judy Hensley

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