Da Coat and Its Origin and Objectives by Judy Hensley
Part 1—How I
Came to Obtain This Lovely Coat
Many people have asked me to tell them about this coat I started
showing off around the year 2006. I had
been diagnosed 4 years with Parkinson’s Disease at this time. My daughter Carol was 13 years old…that age
where they expect their parents to act their age. Well my daughter got me with PD and a need to
be seen and heard and to embarrass her whenever I could. So here we go…sit back
and read the story of “The Coat that Could”!

Part 1 How I
came to Aquire the Coat
A couple of summers ago I went
in a discount store and saw some bright floral, light rain jackets with a
designer name tag and an original retail price of near $200. I thought of
buying it for $15 to use in skits at church. I thought the larger jackets felt
better on, so I bought it, took it home and put it in a closet.
A week or so later my daughter was leaving for
church camp, so I thought “just in case she gets sad about being away from her Dear
Mom and Dear Dad”, I could lighten up the occasion by wearing the coat. She got
in our van as I picked up a few more snacks out of the pantry and as I grabbed
the coat out of the closet I put it on with some really cool sunglasses and
bounced out to the van!
My Dear Daughter gasped and said
"Mother, where did you get that ugly coat? And why do you have it
on?" (I know I have really done a great job embarrassing her when she refers to me as 'mother'--she was 12
at the time.) My reply was "Baby, I'm sending you off in style!!" And
you know the next thing she said, don't you? YES, it was “You ARE taking that
jacket OFF before my friends see you, aren't you?" To which I just smiled
and we proceeded to the church as my mind was formulating a plan.
As soon as we got to the church,
Carol bolted out of the van got her stuff and gave me that look….you know the
one…it is the “I-dare-you-to-get-that-thing-close-to-me” look. It didn’t work on me and since I could not go
with them that summer to camp, l sent that coat with them. I had to, everyone was going crazy over
it!!!! My Dear Daughter left that day swearing that she would find a way for
the coat to stay at camp! I heard her
little plan and told her it had to return or she was gonna be in big trouble!
As it turned out, the coat went
to church camp in South Carolina and it was a big hit there! Just like I knew it would be. Camp was almost
over and I got a call from one of the adults who went to camp with the kids.
She said, 'your daughter has something to ask you and I think she is sincere'.
My Dear Daughter then tells me in her most sweet angelic voice that she would
like to donate the coat to camp so that many people all summer might enjoy it!
I told her I could tell that she had honorable intentions, so I agreed to let
that coat stay in South Carolina.
The next day on my lunch hour,
I popped into the discount store in another city, and low-n-behold....there was
my beautiful coat, and on CLEARANCE for $7.50!!!! Now who could pass it up? I
could not wait to pick up my Dear Daughter the next day in the coat she just
loved!!! Her look when she saw me....well, it was priceless!!!!!!!!!!!
Since my daughter hated the coat
so much, it became my goal to demonstrate to her that she was in the minority
on this, so it became my goal to ask as many people as I could to put the coat
on and let me take their picture in it to show my daughter how mistaken she was
about the lvely, multicolored coat. I tormented her with that coat, pictures of others in it, and even mailed it
to people in several states and they would send me pics of them and their
friends with the coat on. I think she
finally realized the only way to get away from the coat was to move. So she went and got married in the summer of
2012 and the tormenting her by the coat ceased. I had to promise on my life NOT
I was a good momand honored my promise.

Stay tuned and I will tell you more about the coat's adventures in part
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