In January I had surgery on my left foot and I am just about to round the corner and will get it out of a boot or cast. I am learning that I am not at all liking the slowing down it has caused me to endure since then. I know now why they say it will be 8-12 week healing time...because if you say 2-3 months ...that sounds way longer! Well it has been a long haul for this gal and I will be so glad to not have a cast or big black boot on my left foot soon! Hopefully by mid May I will be released and my left foot will be happy again! (The problem being fixed was a fallen arch and arthritis.) So I hope to be skipping along just about the time it gets really warm here in east TN. Thank all who have prayed me through this time!!!!
I will go ahead and get all my moaning out here and now. So this is the third year in a row that I have have had some kind of surgery. A sure sign I am falling apart and putting me back together is not much fun (or cheap, I might add).
I did get our 2014 taxes done the earliest I have in the last several years, and it was not good news to the tune of a couple of K to pay. Good news...had saved up enough to cover. {whew} Then the heat pump and most specifically air conditioner had to be replaced..more moola $$$$ out the door. At least we got 17 years out of it with minimal problems (Thank you God!) And then the hot tub gasped it's last breath. Anyone want a hot tub to have as a red neck pool? It will hold seven adults or probably at least double that number of small kids!? LOL.
As I sit here, I know I am complaining but I am truly blessed to have all these comforts and be able to maintain them for the most part. I am thinking I'll try out the warm pool at the community center for the time being instead of forking out more money for a new or an expensively repaired hot tub.
The emotional roller coaster ride will continue as it will be the birthday of my mom in a few days (April 26th) and in less than a month it will be five years since she passed. I miss her so much, but I know that she is with God, and I like to think of her and Carol just having a blast up in heaven!
The last thing I want to mention is a place I get to go to every week and volunteer and spend time with two amazing women. It has been 'therapy for my spirit' many weeks. I don't remember when I first visited there, but it has probably been about a year now that I first walked into "Redeemables" and met Sherry and Debbie and found out what their store was all about. I asked them if I could volunteer there once a week and they said I could!
It is one thing to get to volunteer where you get to do something that you like, a bunch, like... fixing things up, doing crafty things, painting, or just taking off with a new idea for something ...that's when I am really happy. But it is an extra bonus to volunteer somewhere that the gals can be real and funny and crazy with ya, and in the end, your efforts go to help a neat place called Rise Up! Read more about "Redeemables" at the blog or they are on Facebook as well. Oh, and the two ladies who lead the "whimsical, upscale, resale shoppe's journey" where they major in "making all things new, and having lots of fun along the way" are Sherry Marion and Debbie DuPre (see in pic below) So now do you see why I like hanging out and volunteering there on Thursday afternoons? I really don't know what I did to deserve getting a chance to volunteer at Redeemables, but I'm gratefully taking it and thanking God for the opportunity (and Sherry and Debbie, too)!
Come by and check out "Redeemables" at 1014 E Watauga Ave. and meet my friends! left to right, Debbie DuPre, Me, and Sherry Marion.

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