When Carol was eleven years old she went with me, my mom, my sister Karen, and my friend Beth to our first Parkinson's Disease Awareness gathering near Savannah GA. There we met many friends, some of whom we interact with to this day. Carol met a man there who captured her attention with his quick wit and scooter that he gave kids rides on. Carol must have captured his fancy because he wrote her a poem. I found it recently; The man's name was Paul. Here is his poem to Carol:
At the young age of eleven years old
Her childhood I imagine fits no previous mold,
Cause her life includes a problem it seems...
if you have to give it a name call it is Mom's Parkinson's Disease.
Though this disease I would wish on no one
I am thankful for my friends of which Carol is definitely one!
My friends are what energize me and help me to go
I wouldn't trade that for anything else I know.
So it is without a doubt and this is no lie....
I hope we remain friends and know it is hard
for me to say goodbye!
Thank you, Paul
Does anyone know where Paul is now? I'd like to tell him thank you for thinking so much of Carol.
Here is the handwritten sentiment from a Thank You card from my friend Peggy to Carol:
Carol, I don't know many kids your age who help their parents as much as you do,,,I wish there were more. Thank you for all you did at the Parkinson's group Christmas party. We couldn't have made it without you! Hugs, Peggy Willocks (I would estimate Carol was about 12-14 years old when she got this note).
And the note from April Olin said:
Carol, I 'm so glad you were able to go on this mission trip . I was so much fun being in your group and getting to know you more. Even though you many not see yourself as a leader, you have strong leadership skills and people are always willing to listen to you and follow you. You are such a good listener and people can trust you easily. You have a sweet and tender heart, but you are also very passionate about whatever you are doing. I love that about you!! I hope you use that passion to pursue whatever God has in mind for your life.
April Olin
I keep saying she was special and I hope by reading some of these notes she got that you will feel and know that it is not just her mom who thinks this about her!
dec 4, 2014
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