Why am I blogging?

My daughter's smile is the lovely one you see above! I love to see people smile! Maybe that is why ...I like to capture smiles or snapshots of things that make others smile with my camera. I know we can't go through every minute of life with a smile but I hope that even when life is hard we can have a peace that others will notice and desire. My blog initially started as a way to honor my mom and her great outlook on life. She died in May 2010 from cancer. I don't think I can ever due justice to her life but I hope I can live my life in a way that would make her proud. The one other great privilege I have had is to be Carol Hensley Singletary's mother. She was our only child and she died suddenly on Feb .27, 2013. She was 19 years old. Her zest for life, her smile and her loving personna is missed by many, but none more than by her husband of just 6 months, Cooper. We carry on by grace and faith in God, and will look for any means to smile while we are left here on this earth for some reason by God. What I would give just to see the beautiful smile of my mom and daughter again! I know without a doubt I will someday, but until then I am going to try and praise my God and King in the life's good days and through life's pains. And i'm sharing here ...in hopes that you will smile with me. judy!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Ten things I Would Share with People affected by Parkinson's Disease (Especially Newly Diagnosed)

A  Contemporary Christian band, Sidewalk Prophets, sing  a song entitled  "The Words I Would Say"
  In the song, the writer talks about writing a friend a note, and he summarizes 3 things he thought his friend should know.  We can only assume that they were important concepts the writer wanted to communicate out of love to his friend. They are certainly good , and I wish I could, just as well,  tell some of you some things on my heart.

In this blog today, I want to tell you and anyone who has been diagnosed with Parkinsons's disease in the last year and your family and friends  some things that have been helpful to me as I  have been on  a life journey with PD for 11 years now.  I hope these things I mention below might be helpful to others as well as you face PD or any other chronic illness.  The challenge you face may seem daunting ....  It will affect all parts of your life, eventually.  But it is still possible to have a full and meaningful life while having Parkinson's disease!  I know because I have!  I was 40 years old, had a great job, was a mom to a 9 year old daughter, was active at home, work and church  and was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.  I worked 5 more years and have had an active and fulfilling (althought challenging) life in the 11 years since my diagnosis.

Here are 10 things I'd like to  share with anyone who has recently been diagnosed with PD (and their families and friends):
1.  One of the hardest things you will do is to tell others about your illness.   I think it is hard because we don't like to admit we can't control it, you don't know how it will affect you tomorrow much less 5 years from now.  And even the people you tell the news to may only minimally educated about PD, so their preconceived perceptions of the illness may make them not know how to relate or know what to say to you at times.
2.  Don't give up on yourself--get ready to think about things in a different light and to travel in a slower lane.  But I can tell you this, I've learned alot and found parts of me I did not know existed  in the slow lane, so get ready...life and PD ...they can bring out the best in you ....if you let them!
3.  Take advantage of other's knowledge about your condition, yet take all advise under careful evaluation and scrutiny.  BECOME your own health care advocate, and don't be afraid to ask questions.
4.  Realize that PD is different for everyone (that is one reason it is so hard to diagnose, especially in younger people) including symptoms and progression.
5. Stay positive in attitude; be braver than you think you can; and fight for a cure.  Think about it....you think many people who don't have an illness can even relate/???  IF they can't relate they will most likely not be of much help in  facilitating a cure.  Soooooooooo...
6.  Educate yourself, your family and your friends;   do things you know will help you help yourself.
7.  You are gonna have lots of great days still, but learn how to handle both the good and the bad days.
8.  You need to dig into each area that can influence PD in your life:  physical, mental, spiritual.  Of these, I consider the spiritual and the effort of prayer a great tool to cope with pd.    And I ask others(without hesitation).... to pray for me as well.  And always know, you ARE NOT ALONE!!!
9.   Keep your routine as routine as possible but realize life goes on and  some people will always be idiots.  And remind yourself that this illness is hard for others to understand (remember that lil saying "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"?  if not, you will now)until we get everyone educated or a cure is found!
10.   Celebrate small victories and never, ever, ever give up hope!!!  Just because you have this illness does not automatically mean you cannot reach your goals in life.  But I would suggest you break down the goals into smaller goals and reassess  how you can reach them and celebrate when you do.   Celebrations are always good!!!! woooo hooooo!!!!!!

  Hang in there friend!    This journey, this challenge, this life altering illness is not for the faint, but you will discover amazing things through it if you have the right perspective and don't crawl in a hole and have a major pity party.

OK,  I am gonna go celebrate the fact that I finished this article!!! Love and hugs to all of my friends affected by PD--you are my inspiration and a great source of strength for me!
Judy 12/22/13
Romans 5: 1-11

For more information on Parkinson's Disease this webpage has a link to many good resources:  http://www.unitywalk.org/links.php

Saturday, December 14, 2013

What Helped Me get Through Brain Surgery-faith,prayers, a song, a hand, and #22

Hopefully my title for this blog has you intrigued. 
 I have been  living with Parkinson's Disease for 11 years.  The last few years  I became worried about having to have a surgery called "Deep Brain Stimulation" or DBS.  I was not thrilled with the idea of someone poking around in my brain (and having to be awake while they do it).  I mean, who can believe it when they say the brain feels no pain?  It has been a long process to get here but almost 1 year ago I had my first appointment at Wake Forest with a neurologist to start the 'evaluation' of my potential to tolerate and benefit from installing one or two electrodes in my brain to help some of the debilitating symptoms of Parkinson's disease.   As part of this process, a team of doctors there had to see me and evaluate as a team if I would be a good candidate for this type of surgery.  I saw a neurologist (had to be evaluated off meds for 12 hours ==you

don't even want to know how difficult that was) and then after
taking medication.  Another appointment with a neuropsycologist--where i got to play memory games for about 3 hours and describe what word described a drawn picture.  And then there was counting backwards by seven starting at 100....don't ask me how that helps them know if i need an electrode in my head.   Then a meeting with the nice man who would be putting a hole and a foreign object into my brain, the neurosurgeon. And then finally a psychologist (twice, for some unknown reason and an additional appt that apparently was not necessary, but assume it was God's timing)  Then finally I was notified that my surgery to implant a DBS system for the left side of my body would take place OCT 18, 2013 and then a same day surgery about 3 weeks later for placement of the battery pack on NOV 8, 2013.

  Many of you many know that in addition to this major health decision, we lost our only child, Carol Singletary, on Feb 27, 2013 in a tragic accident.  Our comfort, consolation, and courage came from faith and the outpouring of love to us from that point and even still.   And I want people to know, before my first appointment for DBS, I was scared.  But, I told God I was turning this matter all over to Him because I could not face it alone.  And when I went to that first appointment in Dec 2012,  I had an amazing calm and peace in my soul about proceeding with the whole process.  Once my surgery date was known, I asked everyone I knew and many that I don't know so well, by posting on facebook, for any who would to pray for me and the surgery I would undergo.  For those of you who responded or who lifted me up to the LORD in prayer, I want you to know, prayers kept me going and helped me make it through that first surgery.  There are videos of  DBS surgery all  over YouTube that you can watch, but I did not want to see any of them( I had previously seen a couple).  Diagram showing how deep brain stimulation worksIf they had videotaped my surgery it would have been in the comedy section most likely, but it was no laughing matter to me at the time.   Because I must give verbal feedback to the doctors during the surgery, I could not be asleep and I had to be off any Parkinson's medications for over 10 hours.   For me this means very uncomfortable cramping of my left arm, leg, and neck and back.  So while they were drilling a hole in my head I was trying to not go crazy because my arm, leg and shoulder where all cramping.   I sat there in a reclining position, my eyes closed to try and focus inward and to pray, with my head immobilized in a head frame and my body revolting with Parkinson's causing  my muscles to be in major turmoil and cramping.
  During this time the guy who was making sure I didn't go to sleep was asking me what kind of music I liked.  Not long afterward I heard some Christian music playing, and at one of the worst times for me during the surgery the song that was playing that calmed me some was "I Can Only Imagine" and I just thought about how glad I was that my daughter was in the presence of God and she would never have to experience any kind of pain.   Another thing that helped kind of relax me was the vibration from the drill once they started the surgery..yeah, like as in drilling the hole for the electrode to go into.   I still would have rather been in a hot tub with  a nice big cold Pepsi to drink than there, but I guess they haven't tried the surgery in that environment yet.  The other thing that helped calm me was the resident who was giving me as little anesthesia as possible held at least one of my hands the whole time.  I knew from that touch that he was there if i needed anything.   At one point,  I opened my eyes and called his name and he leaned over to where i could see him, I asked, "is there anything you can do to help me feel better"  and he said "i'm sorry, no."  All I could see were his eye above his mask and they looked like they were pretty full of  water at that time.  But I hope he knows how helpful he was just by holding my hand and talking to me a such a calm and reassuring voice. And at one point I was telling myself, "Carol wanted you to do this.  ..if she can play hard in basketball like she did then  I can do this"..so I started saying out loud "22"  over and over again.  And #22. Carol Hensley Singletary, helped me push through that day.  Thank you baby!  I spent one night in the hospital and was able to go home the next evening.   Progress has been slow, but I should be used to living in the slow lane......so watch out when I get 'juiced' up---this gal is gonna be living life full and fast!  Beep beep....zooooooooommmmmmmmmm.
  OK, anyone wanna go next?  Have a little brain surgery?  LOL   
  P.S.  if you are wondering...no, i did not have to have my head shaved!
Wake Forest Neurology weblink http://www.wakehealth.edu/Neurosciences/Movement-Disorders-Center/  
and you can look at www.medtronic.com to find out more about DBS for Parkinson's.  

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

BIRTHDAY THOUGHTS(from 2012) I WROTE TO CAROL ON HER 19th & 1st AWAY FROM HOME; Inspired by a Marci Book for her daughter


I posted these on the Group page in Facebook called "Carol's Smile" during Oct 2013. These were inspired from a little paperback book I had given Carol for her birthday last year 2012 by Marci "To my Daughter -Love and Encouragement to carry with you on your Journey Through Life." It has about 40 topics she addresses accompanied by cute b/w drawings. I got it about a month before her 19th birthday because I wanted to write some of my personal thoughts that were brought out by Marci's thoughts. I did not necessarily have a thought for each of the topics.

I just recently got the book back and thought I would share a few with you this month. Carol's birthday is OCT 28th.

The first one of the pages I turned to the other day must have surely been God's goodness to remind me who is got this all under control. on pg 28-29 Marci describes some things she attempted to teach her daughter like: "to work hard, to give your best, to love completely, to sacrifice, and no matter what , to trust in God....and the beautiful reward that is found in giving and also *******here's the part i needed reminding of********--->>>>> everything happens for a reason, even if we never understand it.' And at the bottom at that page it had a lil picture that had these 3 words on it (which happen to be some of my favorites too) FAITH HOPE LOVE. I wrote at the bottom my thought to Carol: I'm not too sure how effective I was at teaching you the 'deep' stuff of life, but I'm pretty sure you are gonna do just fine!! Love u! Mom <<<<<< on some pages I highlighted words and had highlighted the "everything happens for a reason sentence. Maybe the book was not just for Carol


pg 46 "5 Keys to Happiness" although i know in my heart Carol was so happy with her life at the time of her
death, it was that way for many resaons. Here are 5 Marci mentions 1- realize happiness is a decision 2- Happiness is contageous,, make some one smile (I think we can all agree Carol gets an A+ on this one) 3=be grateful for even the little things 4=Acceptance of the belief that everything happens for a reason will give more happiness than if not and 5- give away some courage every day ! When you ENcourage others to 'hang in there'..you will find an unENding source of happiness. I had circled the whole paragraph for #5 and said "when you can do this even when it is so hard, you will have a joy that is really hard to describe" .
All that I can add to this is: in the almost 8 months since she died, so many people of all ages have told us story after story of how Carol encouraged them. it was like it was her true mission in life to help others lift up their sights to see that things will be better and that she would be there for them when things weren't so good. Yes, I have no doubt that she died, a happy, content, and courageous young woman. I can do less than to thank God for the blessing of Carol in my life and in the lives os so many we did not even know about. Helping someone be courageous is saying "i believe you CAN DO it. Yep , that was my girl...Carol you can do anyting, and so can I. I love you and miss you. Help me be courageous Friday when i have my surgery. I know-I already turned over all the worries to God and I know you will be holding my hand.. Love u, mom

pg 10-11 "The bond between us is EVERLASTING" Marci writes "I watched you grow and have come to understand that our lives have been brought together for a reason. I have learned as much from you as you have from me. Thank you for your love and for sharing all that is uniquely you. The bond we have is
All I can add right now is that for some reason I wish I could tell Carol "thank you! for all you taught me" out loud right now and she could hear it. She is still teaching me things even tho she is gone, and it is because our bond as mother and daughter will survive anything AND IT WILL LAST FOREVER. I told Bill tonight, we were not lucky to have Carol ...we were BLESSED to have her as our daughter. That means her life was a gift given to us without us doing anything to deserve it. And I will tell you this: my daughter's spirit and our special mother/daughter bond helped me get through my DBS surgery last week. I focused in my mind seeing her play basketball on those days when she played against bigger, better shooting, faster players without frustration and I told myself "I taught her some of that determination, now put it to use for yourself.... suck this up and push through this intense discomfort. Carol's spirit was cheering me on and I just want her to know that i needed it so and i love her for caring about me.
People!,,,,, it is the little things in life we need to stop and take note of and give thanks for at times. Before those times get gone. Before we are alone and all those people we needed to say thank you to are gone. And for sure, we need to thank the giver of all blessings because he made us for that purpose!.
My prayer today: OH God over all the universe and lover of my soul, you graced my life with the blessing of Carol Michelle Hensley Singletary almost 20 years ago. I don't know why you let that time go by so fast, 'cause i wish I could have so many of them back. But in your God-sized wisdom, you took her to her heavenly home. Although it has been hard to not have her here any more, I thank you for letting her spirit forever be entwined with mine. On some days just thinking about her love is the extra push i need , and oon ther days it is your sustaining strength that i require!!! Hold my girl tight for me and whisper my love to her. Tell her I'll see her soon, so stay fired up and we'll have a blast when i get to hug her again!!!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

P66-67 "Daughter these are my promises to you:" Marci writes" I promise to always love you" Mine to Carol "I will always and forever love you --no matter where you are"
Marcie writes"I promise to always care about your happiness" Mine to Carol "I am glad I do not have to worry if you were ever happy or if you are happy now. You showed us all how happy you were with Cooper and I know you are beyond happy now in heaven". Marcie wrote "I promise to support your dreams and encourage the talents you have" Mine to Carol "I guess I will leave it to Cooper to help your dreams be real and he knows your Daddy and I will be here for him in all he does; and as for your talents being encouraged, you needed no help with that, your greatest talent was your smile and how you encouraged all kinds of people. I hope that in many ways we can carry on that trait to others as a tribute to your spirit."

And one last thing, i hope that every person who knew you, or is just now getting to know you will see and desire to have an influence on other's lives like you did, you still have, and will for a long time...that is my mission now...to add your light and mom's light to mine so that everyone can know about the amazing love we shared as a family and how it was a gift from God to make us family. I hope that through your life and death that others will know that your greatest joy came from loving others like God loved/loves you!!!!! i love you and feel you here with me in so many special ways. Hugs from me up to you


pg 59 Marci writes to her daughter: "you have given me so much to be thankful for as I watch you move
through life and develop all the qualities that make you so beautiful. Your SHINING spirit fills my heart and makes me so PROUD to call you my daughter". "I love you".

I guess as all parents we can say 'we are blessed' and it is only natural to be proud of our kids! I wrote to Carol on the same page: 'People have always commented about your most engaging personality and how you always seem HAPPY! I think people who notice it most are most envious of that quality. It makes me proud that you make people feel that way! Keep on doing it--I think it is a beautiful quality of YOU! '

By the way Carol, did you hear we had a bunch of people pack boxes because they wanted to do something nice in your memory on the day before your birthday? They filled over 84 boxes....we could feel your sweet presence with us!!! Thank you! lov ya,mom


Monday, November 4, 2013

Living out the words in a song.." In the Middle of it All"

Over 10 years ago I attended a women's conference in Pigeon Forge and heard Pam Thum sing in concert for the first time.  I'm not sure if she had more than a couple of Christian hit songs, but I really enjoyed her music, her style, and her presentation.  As I was looking back over some of her CD's I have, I found this song...it seems so ironic.  I never would have thought 10 years ago that I might find myself living  so real-life the the words of this song.

I'd like to share some of the words to the song by Pam Thum, Joel Lindsey, and Regie Hamm entitled

"In the Middle of It All"

2nd verse:  You say you're doing fine.  And even though you always wear a smile, deep inside your mind.you haven't been at peace for quite a while,  but then everybody leaves, and you are left to face your fear.  And the things you believe......no longer seem so clear.  And you are haunted by the failure and  the insecurity.  And the shadows fall so hard it drives you to your knees, but........
(hang on..this is the good part--the chorus!)

IN the middle of it all
In the middle of the darkest night,
Lift your head and tell your heart to walk by faith and not by sight,
And in the middle of it all
There's a loving God that is holding out his hand,
If you reach for HIM ..HE will catch you when you fall
In the middle of it all.

My(judy's) prayer--thank you God for being my ever present source of hope and strength.  Help me be your light in this world, and let them see you in me! Amen

A story from Halloween past--Would you come back?

we did this again this year at Halloween and I remembered an incident at the same event last year and thought i would share it here!  
Sal giving Halloween treats
 at the Yelen's house 2013
I just had to share this incident from Halloween 2012.  We were at some friends' house along with others from our small group from church on Halloween last year to help man their door front because they get tons of visitors through their subdivision on Halloween.  We, of course, were eating and goofing off and taking pictures inside while bunch after bunch of trick or treaters came to their door.  To some of us, this is very amusing because some of us live where few tricker treaters come.  And to the rest of us, we were just glad to not have to hand out some candy then wait until we decided no one else was coming, only to get halfway downstairs at our house and hear the doorbell ring...again.
  Our group leader Sal especially enjoys manning the door and handing out the candy to the kids at the door.  And I  am sure he was very generous with the candy.  He's just like that.  So it was getting late and things were starting to slow down.  The rest of us were hanging out near the front door around the banister where we could see the trick or treaters coming by and hear the exchange Sal had with them.  I just happened to be right behind  Sal when a girl about 7-9 years old stood there  on the porch, alone, and holding her bag out for treats..  Sal said "Hey, weren't you by here earlier?"  I saw her face ---her eyes did not move from Sal's but she paused just a second longer than you would have thought normal and then she shook her head "yes".  Sal, of course, busted out in a big laugh and asked "so what should we do? "  and we all said "give her some more treats" and I think we all kind of admired her for her daring act of returning.  But you know what I admired her most for?  It was for telling the truth.   What did she gain by telling the truth? Not much  but maybe more than if she had lied. No matter..she did seem glad that Sal didn't hold her return visit against her.

A few days after this I am now wondering "Why did that little girl come back?"  It could have been for lots of reasons.   Out of pride, I just thought she may have been curious about those people in that house who were having such a  good time inside and probably wanted to know what the deal was.  The deal was this:   we all have troubles and trials, but in our small group we got each other and most of us got God's promises to hold on to ...which by the way are ALWAYS the truth for our lives.   

Have you been wondering what it is that some people have that seems to be something familiar but you just can't put you finger on it without seeing or asking about it?  Have you had a relationship with  God and  and know what a gift that is?   Now maybe that relationship is not as new or you feel you cannot ever re-establish it.  Maybe you should return back to the door of your heart...and listen...you'll hear a knocking.  And it will be Jesus, wanting to be your hope for every day.  He doesn't bring up the crazy things you have done as long as you have asked Him to forgive you of them.   He is longing to show you kindness again.  So don't be afraid or too proud, just step up answer the door and say 'Thanks for letting me have this opportunity again!'  And God won't even have to turn around and ask the rest of heaven "so what shall I do with this one?"  He has already told us what he would do....He will welcome you back with arms wide open again.!!!  

Happy Halloween, Give Thanks next month for second chances, and then Merry Christmas-celebrate to gift of Life thru Jesus Christ who came to this world, lived in it just like us, and still wanted to give himself away so that we could be a part of His family..forever.
Some of my small group friends!! From North Ridge
 Community Church -west market str campus 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Shouting Out for Some Amazing People

I am not sure if there is an appropriate way to convey my deepest appreciation to some very special people  in our life so I'm just gonna do like the saying says and give a big Shout out to the special people below. Bill and I are have been truly blessed to be a part of of church here in Johnson City the last 3 years.  It did not take a major life event like our daughter's death to make us realize how special the leadership is at North Ridge Community Church (originally Springbrook and now we are at the West Market St. plant ) but it has made me all the more determined to support them and many others in prayer and help as I may because they have a great job but it can be a hard job many times.  Not only did the leadership at NRCC help us be strong, but many others were here just when we needed them. It was God's strength and mercy delivered via many people around us during the day of Feb. 27 2013 to now and beyond that has enabled us to make it through the hardest thing we have ever experienced.  Our only daughter, Carol Hensley Singletary, died suddenly from a fall into a glass display case in Gatlinburg TN on Feb 27, 2013.  She had married Cooper in Aug of 2012 and they were living a wonderful life together when she may have passed out from an undetermined medical condition that day.  We hope that no one has to ever endure such a tragedy but can only say with God as our anchor and so many wonderful family and friends.. we are still standing.  There is no way I can express my gratitude for the actions of many but want those I list below to know that your support, love and compassion will be a lightpost forever in my life.  I pray that I can be a similiar missionary to those who need such in the future.  From this time on, I will be thanking GOD for placing these people in our lives at this time.  And I will be asking GOD for special blessings on them as well as their families.  Their ministry of compassion, love and encouragement has helped us make it through this time.   Their support along with that from other communities in which our lives were invested created an overpouring of love that we have never seen before now.   I  would just like to say  a huge THANK YOU to  these people for their  selfless dedication to us during this life experience and for  their commitment to the communities they lead:

Jim Richmond-lead pastor at North Ridge Community Church (Springbrook Dr Johnson City TN)- Jim, you and your family have loved us and ministered to us and Cooper in so many ways the last 3 years.  Our girls have played basketball together, been on a mission trip together, and you all have loved us like you've known us much longer.   You counseled Carol & Cooper and then married them. You were not able to come to Sevierville the day of Carol's accident but had an amazing staff who did.  When I called you as we traveled home, you took my call even though you were in a leadership meeting with the deacons.  You and those men prayed for us as we made our way home to face a life without Carol.  Since that fateful day you visited us, advised us, and organized and spoke at the celebration and burial services for Carol.  Your love, compassion, and commitment to us as part of your congregation has been so uplifting to us.

The rest of the pastoral staff at NRCC--Johnny, Brad, Nathan, Jon,  Chris you guys are awesome. Some of you knew Carol well, and some of you just barely knew her, but you cried and laughed with us to help us keep hanging on to God's goodness.

Pete Tackett & wife Lori--Pastor at Antioch Church,  Johnson City where we attended until Carol was about 15.  At the same time of Carol's accident, Pete was  in middle TN with his mom who was having major surgery. But among his many communication talents and compassionate heart, he called a pastor friend in Sevierville who came and prayed for us in his stead.  I have seen Pete and Lori minister in amazing ways while as a youth pastor and now pastor.  Their family was especially gracious to allow some traveling friends to stay in their home.   Your hearts have always pointed to His in true service.  Thank you Pete and Lori,  and the many friends at Antioch, for loving us like crazy through this.

Mark Harrod and Trinity Baptist staff (Jonesboro)--our pastor friend from the church of my parents and sister's family.  Your support through this and other major family events has always been the most wonderful to know and experience. Thank you for loving and caring for us as well as dad, Karen, Joey & Steve!

And to Carol's school at home, TriCities Christian School--to all the teachers and staff, Carol's friends and their many family members...you were like a flock encircling their own to make sure we were ok.   All of your many examples of love and your stories of how Carol's life impacted yours has been a great source of comfort.

It was not long after we arrived at the hospital (100 miles from our home), that many caring folks arrived from home.  Some were in our small group from church-Jerry Day, Sal & Brenda Cicirello, Keith & Audrey Yelen,   Not far behind were these in leadership at North Ridge:   Johnny & Rachelle Byrd,  Jon & Priscilla Oakley, Chris & Kristen Miller, and Brad & Amber Olin.  Your selfless ministry to us was amazing.  Nothing better comes to mind that to say 'Thank you" over and over.  And know that I will be praying for you in the days ahead to continue strong in your ministry because I have experienced it first hand and can never fully express what it has meant to me and Bill  and our family.

To our friend Tammy Rowe, who is not officially on any staff but ours as eternal friend of the heart...thank you for being there in so many other situations, always a rock to pull us through and then give us refreshing love and encouragement.  Thank you for loving Carol like your own..how you got us to Sevierville safely and quickly I'll never know and hope to never have to do it again.  You are a blessing and your friendship is a treasure.  Words are not enough, but I hope you know....

And to everyone who sent a prayer or gave a hug ..called, emailed, texted, sent a note or just came to show your love...it was balm for the hurt. We are most blessed and pray God's will for all our lives will be made better by knowing and loving one of HIS finest, Carol Michelle Hensley Singletary.  So as you have read our story I hope you would do a favor for me?  Say a prayer of thanks and protection for your pastors and leaders in church or other closely associated groups you may be involved in.   They deal with so much more than we know about and I am sure they would appreciate your prayers and encouragement!
Much love from Carol's mom

Monday, May 6, 2013

What My Daughter, Carol, Taught me in 19 Years

My daughter Carol (19 yrs old)
It's been awhile, and I kept hoping the pain of loss would diminish more by now, but I guess there is no timetable for how long our family will find our way out of the fog of Carol's sudden death (2/27/13).   For me ...I'd just like to know in what manner to carry on with my life.  And in asking how to do this, I found that some ways are right inside of me because of my daughters life and love.

Carol's life and death are impacting people in an emphatic way and teaching or reminding us of many things even as we think about her these last couple of months.  When I thought about some significant things in my daughter's life and how they have taught me things, I found that many of them started with the letter L.  How appropriate is it not, since she LOVED to LAUGH, she LOVED her LORD, and she LOOKED to God for  HELP and HOPE in her life?  Here are twelve " L lessons" my daughter, Carol Michelle Hensley Singletary
taught me in a little over 19 years:

1.  LIVE life now with passion along with a passionate hope for an even better eternity.  Believe that what we learn in this temporary home will make for an even better heavenly homecoming.  The reason we have that hope is because of God's passion to make a way for us to be with Him forever.  Since Christ had such a passion/love for us should we not return some to him???  Passion to me means using up every bit of something!  So can I not live my life and use it up every bit and taking in all He has made available for us in this life and even more for all eternity.    Passion also is indicative of intensity.  Intensity is awesome when balanced along with other life events.  And as part of our passion we have to make decisions sometimes of what is worth passionately pursuing or if some things should be deleted from our agenda.  And certainly, having people in your life who share your passion for live and God make this life much more rewarding.

2.  LEARN all you can so that your passionate pursuit of life will be even smoother.  Soak up every morsel of information that will help you live your life with passion for the things that matter most.  Learning always gives us hope, and hope is what helps us hrough many life situations.  We have all experienced that a learning process in life is not always fun.  When we can find ways to make if fun we tend to retain  knowledge from the process that will benefit us sometime in our life.

3.  LOVE with in the right priority--always and unconditionally.   If we love Christ for what he has done for us, we should in turn want to love HIM back so much!!!  And then as we seek to honor him by loving Him then we would also want to "be like HIM!" and  love others more than self.  He  gave a sacrifice of his own son so that we could be restored to himself for all eternity.  We all may struggle with the concept of loving everyone.  But when we finally get good at loving in the right priority (God firsts, others next, ourselves last) then everything else just kind of falls into place without even working at them!!

4.  LAUGH with JOY each day.  You are never promised tomorrow.  Don't put off joy and laughter from today.  Laughter is a way our bodies release stress and tension that can cause numerous health issues if left out of check.  And spreading joy is another way of sharing God's love with other and having a harmonious enviroment in which to live.

5. Be LOYAL to the end.  We should not only be dedicated to our God but to the very important people He places in our lives to help make this journey more joyous.  Loyalty is not an honored trait these days.  We are so often tempted to trade loyalty for smoother times with others not as devoted to us.  God shows his loyalty to us in his response of forgiveness when we fail Him.  His promise of old is still valid today when He says "I will NEVER leave you or FORSAKE you"!

6.  LABOR with purpose.  In everything we do we should be the best representative of God to this world through our actions and witness through our work efforts.  Seek to work obtain what you need and be satisfied in all situations.   And if you have more than you need, share with others out of the goodness of your heart in an act of thankfulness to God for his blessings.

7.  LOCATE your gifts and use them well.  Seek to use your gifts to glorify God and not yourself.  Encourage and show others in the same manner.

8. LISTEN well!    because few people can do this well.  Wisdom to listen is indeed a rare trait.    With God's example and instruction and by him  placing others in our lives who have done the same for us, we can reciprocate to others when they need a listener and comforter.

9.  LIBERATE the praise in your heart and turn it back to GOD!  Don't hoard it up....share it in song, dance, hyms, musical instruments, drama,..

10.  LINK-UP with others who share your spirit of praise, joy, love, dedication and hope.  Leverage the combined traits of yourself and others who share your faith and trust in God to help make this life better for not just you but others.  Lift them up when they fall; love them when they need it, and lavish on them prasie when they accomplish great things!!

11.  LAVISHLY and LIBERALLY give to others a simple gift that communicates to them without you saying a thing that you wish them well--give em a SMILE!!!  Did you know that it really takes more muscles to frown than to smile??

12.  LOOK around to notice your own blessings, notice how others have blessed you, and long for the day when you can thank God in heaven, in His presence, for all of His goodness and mercy to you!!!

God gives us many things to help us grown and travel this life's journey.  We need to look outward from ourselves to Him and others to accomplish the plan He has for us.  Carol was very good at some of these things, and others she was just starting to "get it" as to how to use them to bless her life and others and bring glory to her Savior. I pray what I have learned from her I can put into practice more and more everyday.  And right after I see GOD in heaven some day, that when I see her that she will be smiling not only because she loves me but because I made her proud.  Cause I know this...she has made me one proud momma.  And I will be that way as long as I live.  I love you Carol...thank you for teaching me some very valuable things. !

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Carol and Those Threes

 UPDATE  on 8/1/13   I have found a few more incidences of the number 3 in Carol's life;  in looking at her pictures of their honeymoon cruise, the first night they stopped in Spartenburg SC and their room number was 230, and she also too a pic of their cabin door on the boat 3053.  And I also recalled that before graduation Carol had participated in some acedemic competition for her school and she placed 3rd in the national competition for Christian Schools in accounting!  I have added some pics below.
  NOTE:  I have not blogged recently due to the overwhelming emotions and love we have been recipients of in the aftermath of our daughter's untimely death. Carol Singletary died on Feb 27, 2013 as the result of tragic incident at her workplace.  She was 19 years old and had just been married to Cooper for 6 months.  It was a short life in many respects but it was a life well lived and it has been greatly recognized in recent days and is a testament to her faith and her great ability to be a "frown flipper"  because she smiled so much and made others do the same around her!!

This is almost kind of silly to write about but I keep finding these instances of the number 3 in Carol's life....
I first noticed the prevalence of the number three around Carol's life and death when I read Trey Williams article in the Johnson City Press about Carol.  He mentioned that the TRI Cities Eagles Girls basketball team this year had to play 3 games in 3 days to win their 3rd state basketball championship.  (This is the same team Carol was on that won the 2 prior state championships of the TAACS).  At that I realized that Carol's celebration of life service was on 3/3/2013  at 3pm.  Carol's time of death was at 11:33 on the 3rd day of the week (Weds).  She and Cooper lived on the 3rd floor of their apartment complex and their apt # was 3303.  I was adding up how many days Carol lived and at 19 yrs and 58 days she lived a total of 6,993 days=all these numbers are divisible by 3! she lived for a total of one day shy of  233 months.   And Carol scored over 300 points per year the last 3 years of her basketball playing career (313 10th gr, 331 11th gr, and 387  12th grade, totaling 1,031 pts.  She played 35 games her senior yr, and that yr her points per game avg was 11.1 and she also played in a 3 on 3 league that her team won).  Her phone number had three 3's in it.  When she lived at home there were 3 of us here, and she and Cooper made their home of 3 when they got their dog, Roxy. And now we believe she lives for all eternity in the presence of the ONE who exists as a trinity (3 beings==father/son /Holy spirit)
I can't help it---I liked math.  It is only another crazy thing about my daughter--------------------- CAROL MICHELLE  HENSLEY SINGLETARY (30 LETTERS)...SEE what I mean???!!!!

THREE:  In sacred Scripture the number three represents that which is solid, real, substantial, and something in its completeness.  This number usually indicates something of importance or significance in God’s plan of salvation by identifying an important event in Salvation History.  This number operates as a “sign-post” in Scripture study for the reader to “pay attention” to the significance of the next event. It also can mean intensity and  strength.  Judy Hensley 3/23/13

Friday, February 8, 2013

Ironies of Life and Parkinsons Disease-VIDEO entry

Some of what a reference in this video blog is from a friend's blog http://parkinsonsjourney.com/bittersweet-lessons/
Go ahead read it! Sherri is a great writer!

Now, on to the first...... Drum roll please......video blog entry by me! 

FairWARNING:  unedited, unpracticed entry,, gives new meaning to "what you see is what you get!", 
aren't you glad I don't do this all the time?  And my apologizes for the sniffles every now and then..I think 
I am getting a cold....

 and before anyone comments...I DO NOT HAVE AN ACCENT!!  everyone around here talks like this!  
And I have no intentions of becoming and kind of video guru...just trying to get some more people to 
understand what life with PD is about so that we can get the dag-gone illness CURED!!!!

I am a 50 year old woman living with Parkinson's disease, I have been diagnosed 10 years.  This 
video is made at a time when my medication has not gotten in my system well and I have extreme rigidity 
Of movement.

P.s. feel free to send me your own ironies of life!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

You Will Never Guess where I found my Soul Sister!!

I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!  I went to the bookstore the other day, on Sunday.  I had not had a good morning and had to miss church but caught up with Bill and some friends for lunch after which we went shopping a little bit.  I was moving well and my spirit was on the upswing until I saw them.  You know ..the one thing that will put you in the mid-winter funk:  swimsuits on the retail rack....OH NO!!!! I can't stand to see those things  in JANUARY....!!! So in hopes of getting my spirit revived again, I went into the Books A Million store.

2013 Dare to Be Wacky: Life a Life Worth Living
Copyright Suzy Toronto- Used by permission
 It has always been rather relaxing to look at all those books I think I'd like to read but never do.  And of course since it was January, I had to look at the calendars which were on sale (except I did not even give a nod to the copy of the one featuring swimsuit models).  There was one that caught my eye near the bottom of the rack.  The reason I am sure that it caught my attention was the bright and whimsical illustrations on it.  And the title was the clincher...I had to get "Dare to be Wacky..Live a life worth Loving" by Suzy Toronto (www.suzytoronto.com).   By this time I am thinking "I like this woman!"

 If you read her bio and then her philosophy and if you know me you might see similarities    I love her outlook on life and her statement on the back is so encouragaing to me ["Dare to be wacky.  Rekindle your passions, and multiply your talents.  Embrace your inner wackiness (judy says --I must say I think i do this well, agree?  lol)Don't wait for 'a better time'.  It's your life and your story.  It's time to start living a life truly worth loving!] this quote is Copyright Suzy Toronto- Used by permission (gmail 1/22/13)
I think I have found my soul sister!!  Do me a favor and keep it a secret until I break it to her...lol!!  But really, the advice she shares is down to earth and if we could all apply it we might not have so many strokes and heart attacks and we most definately could enjoy life more.  And although I am rather wacky at this point, tI'm excited about finding new ways to expand on my wackiness and to love life even more!!

Check back in a couple of days and I hope to give you my take of Suzy's ideas for January as they apply to my life.  Until then, I hope you are finding ways to love life even more~!~!~

Monday, January 14, 2013

Had blogger's block!

Wow, I took a nice little break over the holidays from blogging.  In fact longer than I meant to.  It didn't take long for me to hit blogger's block.   I could give lot of reasons.  One is I am bad to start things and not finish them.  But this blog was initiated after a conversation with a friend who also has Parkinson's disease. 

I could have made this blog focus on Parkinon's because it is a large part of my life these days.  I have not focused on PD as a major emphasis of this blog because there are lot of things I think about and would love to hear your thoughts as well.  Who knows....we may solve the world's problems here--or at least feel better about just getting some things off of our chest,

 This blogging deal....i guess it is what ever I make it. It is making me feel some pressure to be more consistent and to stick with it.   I almost feel the need to apologize for not writing more, but i am going to forgo the apology (as I recall a friend asking me "why do you always feel like you must apologize for little things?"  maybe she has a point!  See Kim, i am trying to implement your advise!  Thank you for your sincere and honest evaluation of a personal improvement or me.)  I also am struggling with just how much emotion to share as well.  Sometimes passion is good but on the other hand it can cause others to keep away.   So bear with me as I try to find if this bloggin' is really my thing or not. 

  I thought I would share this poem that came to me tonight as i spoke with a dear friend with PD and the personal toll it can take on your emotions and self esteem.   We were kind of going back and forth talking about some of the frustrating things of having PD but in the end we both agreed we were going to do the best we could to hold on the the lifeboat  longer than each other, and then pulling the boat finally on the shore and being able to be cured, to live normal again, to feel like we are not a burden, and to know that our children and their children will not have to endure possibly having such a disease.  Until then, it is prayers and encouraging words that keep us going, and the amazing love and power of God the FATHER .                             

Life's test are HIS teaching  tools
  by Judy Hensley Jan 14, 2013

We have all heard these encouraging sayings
"Never give up and never give in"
"Life handing you lemons?  Make lemon-aid then!"
but oh if I could just find out how to stop others from  raining on my parade......
      I would have it made!

Don't you agree that all these sayings are  easier said than  done
especially when life feels like a marathon  you must run
and when we encounter numerous hurdles to overcome,
           it can seem like life is too hard to bear
but God is faithful to help us carry on, when we seek HIS love,  guidance, mercy  and tender care!

So consider how and where your life  journey will take you and where it may end and you may be surprised
that no matter wherever life takes you ---with God as your guide,
the steepest mountain peeks you will  crest, the deep valleys you will pass through
and how from the stormiest sea, He will provide a safe landing on the shore for you.

We should not view life's hardships as being there to beat us down
but to teach us well who guides our path and for each victory praise him with  joyful sound
for all HE  has done and forever more will do
in everything HE shows us, as his beloved children, that His promises are timeless and true!

Find strength and hope in each day!!