I'm not a happy camper. I don't like the corono virus and what is has done to my life. I haven't lost anyone to the virus but have a relative in the front lines battle with it. I also know of a couple of families it is affecting.
And I don't know who to be mad at for making it. I want someone to be mad at, because this is not going to be pretty when we come out the other side of this chaos. It is ugly right now. Ir is a very contagious virus that is flooding our world, and if we had not put in place some restrictions when this country did, it would be spreading and growing like a like wildfire here in the USA.
Some have reckoned our fight against the spread of this virus as a war. I can believe we are at war. And we are in this together....and that includes the whole world. We are at war with a deadly human enemy with no gun, it does not resemble us, nor does it discriminate. It will hop on our backs without being seen, and pick us off one by one. But it has found the wrong group of people to pick on when it picked the United States of America.
People in the USA know about this virus stuff, people in the USA know how to make cars and turn plants around to make respirators, people in the USA normally fight with guns, ships, and big bombs, and people in the USA who know how to "get it done" are kickin this smart #@s virus out the door and gonna stomp it out!
But that is just the beginning. After the virus has been defeated, there will need to be a reclaiming of our lives and many will have to realize life as we knew it will never be the same.....but it will be our lives.Who knows how long this phase will last but it will require patience and guidance. The next reclaiming phase will be to reclaim our countries, our economies, our trust in one another, and our spirit of mercy and love, and our desire to be truthful among all nations.
And the last phase of this battle will be to reclaim the hope of our hearts and tor let every soul know that they are special in the good days and bad. And we need to bow our knee to the Creator of this great earth on which we live, and ask Him to give us another chance. But we have to be willing to learn from this chaos and remind our children of how we have changed. It will be up to them to determine if the change has been for the better of our world or not.
In this year of 2020, it will be up to us to let those who follow us decide if the vision we implemented was clearly a good one or a blurry one at best. I was raised to know Gods love for us and his forgiveness, and his faithfulness. so I am going to put my faith and trust in Him. He has been here since the beginning and will be here until the end
Dear LORD, I don't like this 'social distancing' . You know i am a social person. I feel cooped up and can relate some to Noah and being on the ark for 40 days and night! IT seems everyone is focused on the TV Watching TV is fun for some, but not so much for me. Show me where I can be your light in this world. And please give an over=abundance of wisdom to those in authority.Let me be bold and courageous in the days ahead. And help us to give you all the thanks for everything you do for us! Amen
Psalm 25:9 New International Version (NIV)
9 He guides the humble in what is right
and teaches them his way.
and teaches them his way.
New International Version (NIV)
Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Judy Hensley 3/31/2020