I was somewhat bummed about my kite reel being stuck up in a cedar tree and was heading back to my car at Willow Springs Park. It was a short trip at the park, but I was not in a walking mood. As I neared where my car was parked, I came upon a lady and her mother or mother-in-law, and they were checking-out some exercise equipment that was just off the walking path. They invited me to try out the elliptical machine as they were done.
I struck up a conversation with the older woman as she stayed to see what my opinion was of the machine. I was telling her that I was on my way to my car after losing my kite (which you could still see flying really high off in the distance). She had an accent that I thought was German but she was from Canada and was here to visit their son and wife who lived in Jonesborough. She said they had only been in town a couple of days but that everyone was so kind. I told her that the people of this area, East Tennessee, were well known for their kindness and helpfulness.
Her daughter-in-law told me she was from Ontario, and that she had some problems at times with her memory. My heart was already captured by this sweet lady who was asking "Where is your husband", and I tried to tell her that he was running with some people at another park and that I lived close to the park we were at.
When her husband and son heard about my kite-escape, they offered to go and see if they could possibly retrieve the reel and my high flying kite. On the way over the hill to see where my kite reel might be, my new found friend told me her name was Margaret, and she also went by Marge. I asked if she had been a stay at home mom or worked somewhere previously. She said she was a nurse, and I wished her a 'Happy Nurse's Week'.
When we got over closer to where I last saw my kite reel, it was still high up in the cedar tree. We concluded that there was no way to get the reel down so the kite would have to just stay up until the wind let it down, which might be somewhere as far away as Canada! So we headed back to the area near the parking lot.
On the way back to the car, my friend, Margaret, took my hand and told me that I was just beautiful, and so kind. Several times she did this and I told her that she reminded me of my mother. My eyes teared up as I told her that my mom died almost seven years ago from colon cancer and that she was my best friend.... ever, and how it brought me comfort to know that she is in heaven along with my daughter, Carol.
When we got back over to where we first met, I jokingly told Margaret's family that I would gladly take her home with me because she was such a sweet soul. But I could tell that I was out of luck on that deal. Margaret told me she and her husband had been married 50 some years, and I figured she had a good thing going there so they should continue together. I told them that it was a pleasure to meet them and asked if they might take my picture with Margaret, and they did. So here is the picture of my new friend, from Canada, Margaret. I wish her well and thank her for loving on me one afternoon at the park!
Judy Hensley
May 9, 2017