For those of you who may be reading this with limited background..here is a short summary: Carol Hensley Singletary was our daughter who we were so very proud of in many respects. She did alot in her 19 years on this earth. She excelled in lots of things (academics, sports, being a loyal friend, being a compassionate soul, and lots of stuff) and was reaching a new stage in her life...an exciting and challenging one, to say the least. ) Carol graduated from Tri Cities Christian School in May '12; she and Cooper got married Aug '12 after dating for 3 and a half years. They moved to Gatlinburg and started their own business there in Sept. '12. Carol celebrated her 19th birthday in Oct '12. She had finished her first semester of college at Walter's State Community College at the Sevierville campus. She and Cooper got a dog and named her Roxie. Life was good and then Carol died suddenly on Feb 27, 2013 in Gatlinburg TN. It is our strongest sense of peace about her death to know that she lives now in the presence of her Heavenly Father and we will see her again someday. Knowing that, this Valentine day is the last of holidays that we knew her alive. In just a few days it will be a year since her death. It has been a year of so much pain but so much love shared by our family and friends with us. As I was dreading this last month of the year without her, I wanted to let people know we are doing OK. So I thought I would write something about that on Facebook, but worried people might not get all that I wanted to express from my written words so I made a video of my thoughts and put it on Facebook at the first of Feb 2014. Of course I got emotional ( I didn't mean to....it just happens with thoughts of her many times). Many people sent me notes of encouragement.
One of the people who sent me a note was a young lady who had gone to school with Carol just one year in 2008-2009. This young lady now is married and has two lovely daughters. Her name is Amber and shortly after she sent me a note explaining how awesome Carol was from her short interactions with her, Ambers's youngest daughter was in the children's hospital near where I live... I sent Amber a Facebook note letting her know if she needed anything that we lived close and could glady help her with any needs that tend to occur during hospital stays . I went and visited and prayed for them a couple of times. The last time I went I took Carol's 2009 yearbook since that is the year Amber graduated. It was fun looking and hearting about the times they were there together at school. As I looked through Carol's 2009 yearbook, I saw Cooper's sentiments to Carol recorded on 2 full pages. She and Cooper had started dating in Jan of 2009, so they had alot of things he wanted to make sure she remembered.
I must say I was touched but not surprised at his remarks. Not only am I really proud of my daughter, I am so very proud of the young man that God sent our way and that Carol loved and married and was having a great marriage with him. Although they had only been married 6 months I don't know if I ever saw any two people happier or more suited to be together than they were.
So with that said, I thought it would be especially special to let others see how much Cooper loved Carol even after a few month of dating. So with his permission, the following is a typed copy of his written words to Carol most likely written in May '09. I think you will be blessed by reading it and know that there are still young people who care deeply about one another in the best kind of way possible. How thankful I am to know Cooper Singletary, and how grateful I am for his love that he lavished upon Carol. If you really want to know what a true kind of love is about, read on.....

Cooper's note in Carol's annual 2009: this was hand written, a 2 page note, from Cooper to Carol just about 3-5 months after they started dating.
Hey Babe, whats up! As I'm writing this right now, there are many thoughts going through my head. As I sit here and thing of what to say....lol. There is something really important to me!! That's YOU!!! You are absolutetly amazing and have made my life wonderful!! I LOVE YOU! Those three words are very important to me. I thought i knew them well until i met you. I can truly say that i do love you and YES, it 's real...Lol. You are my 1st true love~ you are so caring and when I'm down, you bring me up!when i am sad, you make me happy! You are so important to me, and I wanna stay 2gether 4ever! :) We are not on the same page all the time, but we've gotten so close and have already gotten some struggles out of the way.I think we are really serious and 4 real about each other and you're so THE ONE! You are a beast at vball and bball; i love wathcing you play and to brag 2 everyone that you are MY GIRL! LOL, I have so many memories already I can't wait for the many more 2 come! When look back 2 when I first really started liking you, till now, wow, its been amazing! My life has dramatically changed.. I heart u. (starting 2nd page) I remember when we went iceskating and played music and everything ...just think it was only the start..LOL. OH, I even remember when we wrestled and I totally whooped you. ha ha! oh, can't forget the pic ha ha ...when I look back at that , I really laugh hard. Man, v-day and when you came over to my house...that was AMAZING! Yeah, I remember. All the little things you did for me and gifts. The 1st movie I ever saw with you "twilight" hehe and our 1st kiss ever! There's so many good ones and 'dang' my hand is starting to hurt. When I waited for a sign...lol Jt..But me asking you out officially in Sam's vehicle...iIke OMG. ha ha .. The concerts were great! Can't forget the trampoline . But i know what that whole day meant. It was great!!! 2 all the other ones I missed and you know about, psh..lol. You are so beautiful and gorgeous!! There's times I'm amazed and think 'dang, look at her !" I loved the junior - senior and dressing up and getting pics . There's just so much to be thankful for! "YOU" :) I hope you have a wonderful summer (with me of course...lol) . I love and care about you so much, so don't forget. I like how we have so much fun and joke around, it's great! I will cherish what time we have and will have in my heart forever! From your senior man! LOL ...I love you Carol Michelle Hensley signed in cursive: Cooper Singletary